Test Prep
Our test prep programs offer tailored instruction from certified tutors, homework assignments, exam simulation and a full-length proctored exams to track progress. We also conduct review meetings to assess your development and adjust your study objectives. Choose the program that best suits your goals to enhance your preparation, boost confidence, and potentially increase your test scores and college options.
Tutoring for ACT
At HIGHQ Tuition Centre, we are committed to helping each student maximise their ACT scores, paving the way to top U.S. universities. Our approach to the ACT, which focuses more on reasoning and content knowledge compared to the SAT's emphasis on problem-solving skills and critical thinking, involves personalised coaching from experienced educators and proven test-taking strategies tailored specifically for the ACT. With our targeted support and guidance, you can enhance your ACT skills, unlocking opportunities to attend prestigious universities and secure a bright future.
Who is ACT right for? - Everything you need to know about it
ACT a compelling choice for students who are confident in their academic abilities and prefer a straightforward test that challenges their content knowledge and reasoning skills.
Content-Based Questions: The ACT is structured to assess students’ knowledge of subjects they have studied in school, such as advanced math concepts, grammar, and scientific reasoning. This makes it suitable for those who are strong in specific academic areas and can apply their knowledge directly to the test questions.
Science Reasoning Section: Unique to the ACT, the Science Reasoning section evaluates students' abilities to interpret, analyze, and reason through scientific data and hypotheses. This appeals to students who are strong in scientific methods and enjoy applying logical thinking to real-world scientific scenarios.
Mathematical Rigor: The ACT includes more advanced mathematics questions, covering a broader range of topics including trigonometry. Students who excel in math and have a good grasp of more complex mathematical concepts may find the ACT math section particularly engaging.
Straightforward Question Format: Compared to the SAT, the ACT questions are generally more straightforward. This can benefit students who prefer clear and direct questions where strong content knowledge can lead directly to correct answers without the need to navigate tricky question formats.
Pace and Time Management: The ACT requires a quick pace due to more questions in a shorter time, which suits students who can process their content knowledge swiftly and efficiently under time constraints. This tests both quick reasoning skills and the ability to recall information rapidly.
Our ACT Tutor Programs
Our SAT prep programs — Custom, 24-Hour, and 12-Hour — offer tailored instruction from certified tutors, homework assignments, and a full-length proctored SAT exam to track progress. We also conduct review meetings to assess your development and adjust your study objectives. Choose the program that best suits your goals to enhance your preparation, boost confidence, and potentially increase your test scores and college options.
Tailored to the individual needs and objectives of the student, this prep course features test simulations and includes one proctored exam
24 Hour ACT Prep
This is ideal for students who have a limited time left to prepare and prefer to focus on key subjects or all.
12 Hour ACT Prep
Crunch-time and a few weeks or days left to prepare. This 12 Hour prep is for students who want to prepare for only 1 subject